The Fourth Sunday in Lent: The Invitation to the Party is Grace

The Fourth Sunday in Lent: The Invitation to the Party is Grace

The Fourth Sunday in Lent: The Invitation to the Party is Grace

# Sermon

The Fourth Sunday in Lent: The Invitation to the Party is Grace

The Rev. Meghan Mullarkey 

 Text: Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 

 The Fourth Sunday in Lent

"What I find fascinating about the story of the prodigal son, is that as many times as I hear it, my heart still warms at the image of the father running towards the younger son and when I hear the struggle of the older brother, I still find my justice barometer in my gut starting to go off - or is it actually my scarcity barometer? I never really thought these two could be mistaken for each other until I started to understand privilege and the mentality of scarcity and how it skews our understanding of justice. What does the father say at the end 'Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.” The younger son’s party takes nothing away from the older son, but why does it feel like it does in our gut?"

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