From the Associate Vicar: Ordinary Time

From the Associate Vicar: Ordinary Time

From the Associate Vicar: Ordinary Time

# From The... - Letters to the Congregation

From the Associate Vicar: Ordinary Time

Dear One’s of St. C’s, 

Well, here we are in mid-February, ordinary time, the season after the Epiphany.  I find February to be very ordinary, especially in years where Lent doesn’t begin until March.  Summer is too far away to get excited about and we have been in the cloudy/rainy season long enough that we are tired of it. For me, out of desperation for something different, I find that I have to uncover joy in the little everyday mundane things.  Everyday the sun sets a little later, it is supposed to be sunny and warm on a Saturday, my daughter’s over the top excitement for Valentine’s day, these are the ordinary everyday things that I’m noticing and allowing to fill me with extra-ordinary joy. 

February is a hard month in the PNW and this is a hard month in a string of hard months in the pandemic, everything is ordinary indeed.  My prayer for you and all that I meet during this season is that in the  midst of the ordinary you would uncover joy in the smallest and simplest of places.  The ongoing reminder of this season is that God shows up in the bland and mundane reminding us that nothing is quite as ordinary as it seems. 



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Mailing address: 31811 Pacific Highway South, Ste. B #342, Federal Way, WA 98003       253-854-9912
