From the Associate Vicar: My Annual Report for 2021

From the Associate Vicar: My Annual Report for 2021

From the Associate Vicar: My Annual Report for 2021

# From The... - Letters to the Congregation

From the Associate Vicar: My Annual Report for 2021

Dear One's of St. C's, 

Covid time is warped and wonky.  It is hard to believe that from January thru April in 2021 we still weren’t having in-person church.  But that feeling of first gathering together in the spring for Holy Week outside the box feels like yesterday - the excitement of being able to gather again even if it was outside. And then of course when we finally opened our doors in May and had in-person worship once again.  

I continue to be amazed about how connected this community has felt during a global pandemic.  I would not have thought it was possible if someone proposed a hypothetical question about doing church in a global pandemic.  I continue to attribute it to God desire to connect to us and have us connected to each other.  As challenging as it can be to love one another and be in community our soul’s long for it.  One of the greatest joys of being a priest is providing a place for people to be community together, a place for people to connect with God and one another.  My hope and desire is that in this connecting we learn how to listen, grow, and care for one another and our world better and deeper. 

In 2021, I had the honor of being in charge while Alissa was gone on sabbatical for three and half months.  I learned a lot of things in that time about being a leader and caring for a community, but the biggest lesson I learned over and over is that this job is impossible on one’s own and I thank God for that.  Thanks be to God that in order to be your priest, I am reminded that we need each other.  I am so thankful for all the ways that people showed up to support St. Columba’s; to love on the people in our parking lot, to be firm when we needed to be, to care for our building, and all the people this building supports.  We have a large property and I am so proud of the way we steward it.  Between the community garden, the bees, the parking lot, the food bank, the worship space, the family room, the youth room, the memorial garden and erskine hall our property is a gift to so many people.  

I believe that St. Columba’s strives to be a gift to all who come on our property, that is my number one goal in all my interactions with anyone who steps foot here, that no matter how long they stay or when they come back they would experience their time with us as a gift. We do not always do this perfectly and it cannot always be so, but this my intention each day as your priest. It is my sincerest hope that all would know and experience the gifts we as a community have to offer and in so doing, people would get a glimpse of the grace and love of God.  That is one reason I am so excited that we are giving first time visitors a little jar of honey in 2022 and why I love having food bags on hand when people stop into St. C’s and are hungry.  These are tangible and practical gifts we have on the ready to give away. 

I am proud of this community and this church.  I look forward to continuing this good and important work in 2022. 

with gratitude, 

The Rev. Meghan Mullarkey

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  St. Columba Episcopal Church   ·   Physical address: 26715 Military Rd, Kent, WA 98032
Mailing address: 31811 Pacific Highway South, Ste. B #342, Federal Way, WA 98003       253-854-9912
