02/07/2024 0 Comments
From the Associate Vicar: Advent Hope
From the Associate Vicar: Advent Hope
# From The... - Letters to the Congregation
From the Associate Vicar: Advent Hope
Dear Ones of St. C’s,
I hope you know by now that Advent is my favorite liturgical season. People often think it is funny that my parents come to visit right after Thanksgiving, but for me it is perfect. The first week of Advent is my best time of the year and it makes it even brighter to share it with my parents and for my kids to share it with their grandparents. We light the Advent wreath at dinner, put up the Advent tree with blue ornaments and a star on top, and we celebrate St. Nick, who’s feast day is on Nov. 6th. I had a sad thought yesterday, as my parent’s are in their eighties, that at some point, in the not too distant future, they will no longer be able to make the trek across country to visit. I panicked for a moment, have I ruined future Advent for myself? Will it always just be something that brings pain when that day arrives and they cannot physically be with me? But then I remembered that there is nothing that could handle my grief better than Advent hope. Advent hope is not heartache that has been healed, but the promise from God that it will be healed. I love Advent because it can contain and welcome every emotion and for that I can always find rest in Advent. Whether I am experiencing great grief or great joy this time of waiting on the arrival of Jesus knows how to give me rest and comfort.
I hope that you too are able to find rest and comfort during this season, wherever you find yourself, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. I would also love for you to join me on Saturday (Dec. 11th) for our Advent quiet morning from 9am-Noon. We will explore our own stories with darkness, our shadow side, our Advent hope, and most importantly you will have time to rest here at church, your spiritual home. All who are seeking quiet are welcome. Coffee, tea, and pastries will be provided. Let me know you are coming by signing up or just show up.
With Advent Hope,