02/07/2024 0 Comments
From the Associate Vicar: Grace for All
From the Associate Vicar: Grace for All
# From The... - Letters to the Congregation

From the Associate Vicar: Grace for All
Dear Ones of St. C’s,
How are we here again? The Delta variant is bringing back the feelings of uncertainty and unknowns that we felt early on in the pandemic. Once again hospitals, nurses, chaplains, and doctors are pleading with the public to wear masks and get vaccinated if you can. I can feel that anxiety and concern are up all around me. This is hard and continues to be something that we are all experiencing for the first time, how to navigate a pandemic.
Know that the Bishop’s Committee and our staff continue to evaluate and think through safety measures as we learn more information about different variants, especially Delta. For now, we will pause on lifting anymore covid restrictions and we may need to pull back on others.
God is with us as we struggle with these decisions, as we experience decision fatigue, and are anxious about present choices and future plans. Let us continue to be open in these times to how we can love and care for one another. Even those who we disagree with the choices they are making around the pandemic. Do not let this stop us from seeing each other’s humanity. This is a great time to practice your own boundaries while also building the muscle of loving those who make choices you completely disagree with.
Do you believe that people are doing the best that they can? According to Brene Brown’s research about half of people on average answer yes to this question and the other answer no. In her research, it showed that the people who were able to respond yes to this question, in general, had more compassion for others than those who answered no. Another interesting piece came out of the study, the yes people, were also the same people who held their own boundaries and did not put up with people hurting them.
When Brene Brown asked her husband this question he said that he had to take some time to think about. Brown said he returned about 15 minutes later and said, “I don’t know the answer to that question, but I know my life is better when I think that they are.”
I will be honest and say that, the question, do you believe that people are doing the best they can, is a challenging one for me to say yes to. But it is also a spiritually centering question for me. What if it were true? What if you and I and your neighbor are truly doing the best that we can? It does not mean that boundaries do not need to be put in place, it does not mean that we are all making the best decisions or the right decisions all the time, but it does allow space for grace, forgiveness, and love to flow in. I believe God’s grace is at the center of this question.
So my dear ones, take a deep breathe, find the Holy Spirit present, and hear her saying, “Beloved, you are truly doing the best you can.” We got this. No matter what the future holds we will continue to stay connected, stay church, and take care of each other.
with much care,