02/07/2024 0 Comments
Discernment Group: Sign Up if Interested
Discernment Group: Sign Up if Interested
# Adult Formation
Discernment Group: Sign Up if Interested
Katelyn Cowell from our community is discerning Holy Orders. The first step is to gather a discernment group together.
Would you benefit from prayerfully meeting with people in your church community over a question that you have about where to go next in your life? This could look a lot of different ways, but some examples are whether or not to move, have kids, go to school, change jobs, and on and on.
If you want to learn more about discernment groups there is more information below - this information comes from the Discerning Vocations in the Diocese of Olympia Essential Elements of Mutual Discernment Handbook.
If you are interested or have questions contact Meghan Mullarkey - vicar@stcolumbakent.org.
A mutual discernment group should include people in various stages of their lives, discerning a number of questions. A healthy discernment should include reflect the diversity of the congregation.
Models of Discernment
• Discernment is a prayerful, intentional process.
• Discernment is a destination.
• Discernment takes place over time.
• Discernment requires trying things out.
• Discernment is an essential element as we seek the will of God in our lives.
• Discernment takes place in community, with every member discerning about their own life.
• Discernment is focus is on the ministry of the baptized in a group context, not just on one person.
• Discernment occurs at different points in our lives. Opportune times for discernment are times of transition (changes in vocation or areas of ministry; life changes such as relocation or retirement) or any time a baptized person wants to explore his/her baptismal ministry.
While engaged in the discernment experience, persons will:
• understand their goals and passions and how they are lived out in community;
• tell their stories;
• hear others’ stories;
• enlist others in the community to pray and ask questions to guide their ongoing discernment;
• identify spiritual gifts;
• be truthful about themselves and with others;
• be willing to ask and be asked difficult questions;
• be committed to confidentiality;
• use tools to help them understand themselves and their role in group dynamics;
• write about their area of discernment, including their own questions, and share these with other group members so that they have time to pray and reflect before meeting together.