9 a.m. Livestream Worship Survey Results

9 a.m. Livestream Worship Survey Results

9 a.m. Livestream Worship Survey Results

# News

9 a.m. Livestream Worship Survey Results

Thanks to each person who took the time to respond to our recent 9 a.m. Livestream worship survey. We had 19 unique responses. Over 75% who responded participate at least two times a month, and almost everyone watches live at 9 a.m. Most told us they are participating every week or almost every week. About 60% are not using a bulletin - either printed or electronic - but follow the text on the screen. (The rest either print it out or look at it on another device.) Most are watching on a laptop or cell phone. Over half of you are participating alone, the rest have anywhere from 2 to 4 watching with them. People mentioned saying the bold text, singing, and greeting others in the Facebook chat as ways they were currently participating most frequently.

Just under half mentioned the sermon as being the most engaging, while a slightly smaller group mentioned the testimonies and videos as being engaging. A few mentioned familiar music and the being able to see familiar faces. A couple expressed disappointment in it being nothing like being at church in person.

Nearly everyone who commented on the question of engagement - 11 people - mentioned the Eucharist as not being as engaging, and four others mentioned music. A few others mentioned the sermon and passing the peace.

While 5 of 11 people who talked about how to make the service better said things were "great" or "very good," others made a variety of suggestions, including moving the livestream time back to 10, two mentioned finding ways to get kids to be more engaged. Other suggestions were finding ways to see faces up close and finding a way to have the video show better outside of Facebook.

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  St. Columba Episcopal Church   ·   Physical address: 26715 Military Rd, Kent, WA 98032
Mailing address: 31811 Pacific Highway South, Ste. B #342, Federal Way, WA 98003       253-854-9912       admin@stcolumbakent.org
