From the Associate Vicar: Why Church?

From the Associate Vicar: Why Church?

From the Associate Vicar: Why Church?

# From The... - Letters to the Congregation

From the Associate Vicar: Why Church?

Dear Ones of St. C's,

I have been really inspired by the testimonies that people have given that we have been playing during the virtual worship services and putting up on facebook.  If you have not watched them I encourage you to do so.  They are on facebook, but I have also made a blog entry in the e-news where you can watch them under, "Ordinary Faith in Extraordinary Times".  One of the questions that is asked to each person is, why do you go to church?  Or what is the point of church?  I love this question.  And I think it is one that we must continually be asking ourselves.   In some ways, the lack of this question in many churches is why I believe that many people have lost interest in church.  If you do not why you are doing something the meaning gets lost, even when the meaning is still there.  

So I ask this question to you all.  In this time where church is not what it used to be we have an opportunity to reflect on this question in a new way.  If you cannot take Eucharist, if you cannot give the peace with a handshake (or hug), if you cannot sing all together, what is the point?

My hope is not that all answer this question in the same way, but my hope is that by answering it we are renewed on our faith journey in this faith community.  I believe God has created us to be relational and it is in relationship that our faith is renewed and strengthened.  So I encourage to take a moment today or this week to sit down and answer this question for yourself. If you would be willing to share it with me that would be a blessing to me as well! I will also take a stab at this exercise myself. 

Why do I go to church?  I go to church to remember I am not alone in carrying this hope.  This hope that God is out there in the world, that Jesus is present next to me, and that the Holy Spirit is within me, and that this God desires justice, love, and healing for all of humanity. When I want to throw in the towel and accept that hate prevails, I come to church and I remember this deep knowing within me that we are meant for love.  Whether it is you, who watches virtual worship from home or you, who comes in person to sit outside, masked, 6ft apart.  You all remind me that I do not carry this hope alone.  I do not experience this God alone.  I am not crazy to believe in the goodness of humanity.  It is your first showing up that gives me hope and then it is our deepening of relationship and knowing of your faith that sustains me in my faith.  Whether it is through the testimonies, the book clubs, bible studies, evening prayer, coffee hour, pastoral visits, adult form, the food bank, the men’s shelter, youth group, godly play, Eucharist - all of these things we do at church reveal more and more of your faith and connection to God to me.  This is why I go to church.  To first know I am not alone or crazy to believe in such hope, second to be encouraged and inspired by the people who show up, and then lastly, to go and bring that hope and love to those I meet. That is why I go to church.  You?

with hope, 


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  St. Columba Episcopal Church   ·   Physical address: 26715 Military Rd, Kent, WA 98032
Mailing address: 31811 Pacific Highway South, Ste. B #342, Federal Way, WA 98003       253-854-9912
