From the Vicar: Green Season, Part 2

From the Vicar: Green Season, Part 2

From the Vicar: Green Season, Part 2

# News

From the Vicar: Green Season, Part 2

Dear Ones of St. Columba's,

We are in the midst of one of the longest seasons in our church calendar - the Season After Pentecost. In the visual calendar of the church year that our children use in their Godly Play classrooms, this is a long stretch of green that extends from the one red Sunday of Pentecost all the way until the first purple day of Advent which, this year, is also the very first day of December. 

For me, the first few weeks of this green season feel so good. They coincide with summer, and the shifting of both the routines of family life and the routines of the earth outside our walls and windows. Day stretch long, and it feels like the green vestments and altar hangings inside our sanctuary are echos of the greening of the earth outside as flowers bloom and grass made green with springtime begins to demand our attention. 

Now we are fourteen weeks in to this season, and while the trees start to turn and those of us who garden begin to think about harvest and putting the soil to bed there is a different sort of green growing time that is beginning for most of us. This is the growing that happens as we return to routine and learning, and again have the opportunity to start anew in faith, work, family, and community life.

We mark this change here in lots of ways, most of which can be summed up by the phrase "program year." I wish there was a better descriptor! The church "program year" is so much more, around here, than just the implementation of programs. This time in the season marks for us the return of mid-week worship and Godly Play, the beginning of learning as a community about The Way of Love, the return of the Reach Out shelter and opportunities for us to show hospitality and care to our vulnerable neighbors, and a season of reflection and planning for all of us about how we bless the world, each other, and this faith community through financial stewardship. None of these things are primarily "programs." All of them are opportunities for growth, renewal, connection, and care that have the potential, over time, to transform us as individuals and as a community of faith more and more into the image of Christ.

I know that fall can feel hectic and harried for some, after the deep breath of summer. I know that for others among us a return to school and work routine feels like a wonderful relief. I myself feel both these things: a longing for more of the warmth and space of summer alongside an eagerness for routine, for the full deeper communal worship opportunities of fall, and for the cozy brisk darkness of autumn. 

Wherever you are with this change in the season, I invite you to take advantage of the shift to move deeper into relationship with God through community. Consider trying out Wednesday night worship, which returns Sept 18th. Or, sign up to be a host for the Reach Out shelter, look into a deepening your Sunday morning worship practice by joining a Sunday ministry like Acolyte, Greeter, Coffee Host, or Counter. Invest in your own Christian practice and learning by joining one of the two Way of Love classes, or let Meghan know you're interested in investing in community by joining a small group. There are many, many ways to accept the invitation of these last weeks of the green season to grow and deepen in faith. 

This is my sixth time through this season here, with you. I still look out each Sunday at our lively, diverse congregation and cannot believe my luck. I am so glad to be growing in faith, hope, and learning the way of love alongside each and all of you.

with care and gratitude,


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  St. Columba Episcopal Church   ·   Physical address: 26715 Military Rd, Kent, WA 98032
Mailing address: 31811 Pacific Highway South, Ste. B #342, Federal Way, WA 98003       253-854-9912
