02/07/2024 0 Comments
From the Associate for Liturgy and Music: Therefore, let us keep the feast!
From the Associate for Liturgy and Music: Therefore, let us keep the feast!
# News
From the Associate for Liturgy and Music: Therefore, let us keep the feast!
Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, alleluia!
From Easter day through the day of Pentecost, we offer this acclamation to begin the Sunday liturgy. This is an exuberant greeting - and it should be. After the forty days of penitence, reflection, and fasting in Lent, Easter comes with its fifty days of rejoicing!
Easter, therefore is a time of feasting, full of celebration. At St. Columba's several joyful occasions fill the Easter season and lead us into the feast days that follow:
Sunday, May 26 is Rogation Sunday, in which we will give a nod to the "Rogation Days," the three days before Ascension Day, where Christians asked God for blessings for a bountiful harvest. It will be an occasion for us to bless this year's garden and to call to mind our Christian responsibility to protect the beauty and integrity of all creation. The 10 a.m. liturgy this Sunday will conclude with a gathering of blessed water from the baptismal font and a procession out to the garden, where children will be invited to sprinkle the growing things with this water that has been set apart for holy use.
Thursday, May 30 is Ascension Day, where we'll celebrate the final stretch of the Easter season with a potluck ay 6 p.m. (Heavenly Desserts especially welcome.) We'll then celebrate the Eucharist together at 7 p.m. As is the tradition at St. Columba's, Saint Columba's Singers will offer music from the best of their repertory at this eucharist.
Sunday, June 9 is Pentecost - We celebrate this final day of the Easter season by wearing red. We will celebrate the renewal of our baptismal vows and our musicians will offer festive music fitting the occasion.
Christ, our passover, is sacrificed for us, and his rising to new life is victory for us. Therefore, let us keep the feast!