02/07/2024 0 Comments
From the Vicar: Certain Things
From the Vicar: Certain Things
# News
From the Vicar: Certain Things
Dear Ones of St. Columba's,
Today I am thinking about how in the space of one week our community has learned of the death of two people dear to many of us, Gene Moon and Tim Hendrix. I am also thinking about how, that same week, we celebrated with our Associate Vicar, Meghan, as she begins maternity leave and awaits the arrival of a new person into the world. This is a bittersweet part of being in inter-generational community: we lose our elders even as we celebrate the arrival of sweet new babies. And sometimes, as with Tim, we are shocked by a death that comes way too soon. Church is one of the last places outside of family life where we get to live and love alongside people in all stages of life, from brand new human beings to those of us figuring out what it means to live in young adulthood or mid-life, right up to our elders - who tell me that they, too, are still learning and loving and developing in faith, despite years of accumulated wisdom and experience.
You have heard the saying, "the only things that are certain are death and taxes." This time of year, and especially right now, that might feel true. Yet, the story of our faith, and our experience of being together as a community of faith, gives us more certain things we can add to the list. As we get closer to Holy Week, and the mystery of Easter, we can be certain that God's love inhabits all human life, from birth to death and beyond. We can be certain that each of us will encounter opportunities to participate in that extravagant love, as we live in community with each other and are sent from St. C's each week into whatever worlds we inhabit during the week - our families, our workplaces, our neighborhoods and our nation. We can be certain that we won't always take the opportunities we are given to love, and that when we miss the mark we will be forgiven, and re-given space to love anew.
Lent is making its way inexorably toward Holy Week, friends. We are coming closer and closer to the miraculous and devastating life and death of Jesus, and the joyful mystery that follows. If life is heavy - this is an appropriate time to lean in to sorrow. Know that God mourns alongside us. If life feels new, and joyful - that is okay, too. Easter is coming, and joy is also a gift from God.
I am so grateful to be your priest, in this community of faith, as we move together toward the end of Lent and what comes next. This is the place where God is shaping and forming me, together with all of you, to become humans who are equipped to share the extravagant and humbling love of Jesus with each other, and with our world.
You can be certain of that.
with care and gratitude,