02/07/2024 0 Comments
The Rite of Reconciliation is offered during Lent
The Rite of Reconciliation is offered during Lent
# News
The Rite of Reconciliation is offered during Lent
The ministry of reconciliation, which has been committed by Christ to his Church, is exercised through the care each Christian has for others, through the common prayer of Christians assembled for public worship, and through the priesthood of the Church and its ministers declaring absolution. - Book of Common Prayer p.446
The Rite of Reconciliation is an opportunity to make a confession in the presence of a priest, and to have that priest pronounce absolution on behalf of God. As expressed in the quote from the Book of Common Prayer above, this rite is just one part of the ministry of reconciliation we are all called to participate in as Christians. And, as a general rule, our approach to the Rite of Reconciliation is that anyone can participate in this rite, some people should do it, and nobody has to.
If you are interested in reading through the rite, you can find it on page 447 of our Book of Common Prayer, or click here to see it online. (click on Pastoral Offices)
If you would like to experience the Rite of Reconciliation, click here and fill out the form. One of our clergy will contact you to arrange a time to make your confession.