02/07/2024 0 Comments
Introducing new Connections bookmarks
Introducing new Connections bookmarks
# News
Introducing new Connections bookmarks
This Sunday, February 17, you will notice something new in the hymnals around the church: what we're calling a Connections bookmark.
The bookmark has two sides - a "Get Connected" side for newcomers who are wanting to get plugged in to ministries of St. Columba's and a grey "How Can We Connect?" side to use to let us know about things going on in your life that a priest and our Care Network might be able to help with.
In addition to being a way for newcomers to let others know what ministries they might want to join, this is one tool we're using to try to get people who are willing to help with specific requests connected with those who might need some extra help. (We're talking about things like bringing over dinner, stopping in to visit during a tough time, getting information about local schools, or what to do if a family member is dying.)
Along with these new bookmarks have a team of people - Connectors! - around the congregation who can be points of contact to help people get connected with each other. (This can happen when life is going well and not so well, and in the in-between times, too.) They are: Carolyn Ayers, Annette Downing, Shirley Hickey, Micah Kurtz, Jessica Mayabb, Kaylene Moon, and Stephanie Peirolo.
If you see one of these friendly folks sitting near you - especially if you don't know them - reach out and say hello and welcome them to this new ministry.