02/07/2024 0 Comments
Why I Give/How I Decide: Sara
Why I Give/How I Decide: Sara
# News
Why I Give/How I Decide: Sara
This is the time of year at St. C's when we think about financial stewardship. Each week for the next six weeks a different parishioner will be sharing why they give, and how they decide. We invite you to join us in a time of thinking about the spiritual practice of stewarding our money, as individuals and as a community of faith.
I am about two years into being a church goer, so stewardship is kind of a new thing for me. I didn't grow up with it or have been around or a part of a group of people who do this, so I sometimes feel a bit awkward about how it works and what exactly it should be. At first, and for some time, the culture and meaning of stewardship was a bit of an uncomfortable mystery to me. I spent some time learning through research and through the stories of others what it was for and trying to be "good" about it by giving well and feeling that I probably wasn't.
I imagine that I am like most people in the church. My money is distributed out mostly to things that ensure my survival, quality of life and also to things that I have already purchased but am still paying for. Someday those student loans will be just a memory.
Stewardship is something a little different. It's not exactly buying something and there isn't the same sense of instant gratification we all know from buying something that makes us happy. I know there are guidelines on how much to contribute and though I can't meet the ideal, I try not to worry about whether or not it's "enough". Like most people, I figure out what I can give on a regular basis. I picked a reasonable number after budgeting out all the necessities, and that I can handle even if something unexpected comes up. I have and intend to continue increasing it every year on the same principles.
Since I joined the Bee Ministry, my offerings have taken on a different role. I have discovered that growing a new ministry means getting stuff for it, so I have been making donations here as well for a project I deeply care about and hope will connect us all in another way. I also try to make sure that I give my time and my effort where it is needed in addition to money. Often there are more hands needed somewhere or something that needs to be done that I can do. It really comes down to community for me. Being a part of a community, being valued and relevant and welcomed is something that is really meaningful to me. Our community is an example of how God brings us together and as such, I feel that it is essential that I keep finding ways to keep it going however I am able.
For more information on this season of stewardship, click here.