02/07/2024 0 Comments
First Quarter Treasurer Report
First Quarter Treasurer Report
# Newsletter Only
First Quarter Treasurer Report
Please click here to see the first quarter financial report. We are now ¼ (25%) of the way through 2018. Does it seem that this year has gone by very quickly or am I just getting old (or maybe both)?
Overall, I’d say, that our general financial situation can be summed up as “so far, so good” with a slightly positive net income despite a budget that projected a negative net income for the year.
We have received 27% of the 2018 budgeted revenue, but only 23% of pledge and plate income. Sondra Nelson, our receiving treasurer, will be handing out 1st quarter giving statements starting this Sunday. Please look them over and, if something seems odd, point it out to me (Carol Everson) so that I can investigate it and thus learn more of the finer points of our accounting system. Also, if you have given less than 25% of your annual pledge, it might be time to consider a catch-up gift. If your circumstances have changed and you’d like to alter your pledge (either up or down) please just let Sondra, Mother Alissa, or me know. We do appreciate your continued support of God’s work in this place. Everything you do is so important.
Although revenues are over budget, expenses are also running a bit over at 26% expended. Some of this is because winter is an active time in our church year with correspondingly high program costs. The first quarter is also a high period for things like heating expenses. We’ve also had a couple of expenses that should have been paid last December and were instead paid in January. These omissions and subsequent catch-up payments resulted from my mid-December move to a condo. I’m finally getting settled in and caught up in many areas of my life. I thank you for your prayers.
If you have any questions about any of this information, please ask any of our Bishop’s Committee members as they look at more detailed financial reports every month.
Sincerely Yours,
Carol K. Everson