Sermon for Pentecost Sunday: Expect Pentecost

Sermon for Pentecost Sunday: Expect Pentecost

Sermon for Pentecost Sunday: Expect Pentecost

# Sermon

Sermon for Pentecost Sunday: Expect Pentecost

The Rev. Alissa Newton 

text: Acts 2:1-21, 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13

"Nobody expects Pentecost. We expect lots of things. Comfort, affirmation, stability, health, agreement. Dinner. We might even feel entitled to some of those things. But not Pentecost. Nobody expects Pentecost. I am certain the disciples did not expect it, this violent emergence of the Spirit of God into their small upper room with the closed windows and locked doors."

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  St. Columba Episcopal Church   ·   Physical address: 26715 Military Rd, Kent, WA 98032
Mailing address: 31811 Pacific Highway South, Ste. B #342, Federal Way, WA 98003       253-854-9912
