Our Robotics Fundraising Goal for the Spring has been Reached!

Our Robotics Fundraising Goal for the Spring has been Reached!

Our Robotics Fundraising Goal for the Spring has been Reached!

# News

Our Robotics Fundraising Goal for the Spring has been Reached!

Robotics Fundraising: Sponsoring a Coffee Hour Clean Up

Thank you all who donated funds to the robotics team!  We raised are goal of $300 for this spring The kids will clean up coffee hour on May 14th, May 21st, and May 28th.

If you have more questions:

How much are you trying to raise?

The total we are hoping to raise for the year is 2,500 (covers all equipment needed some extra for food and any other unexpected costs).  We have already received a generous $1,000 dollar donation!

Why Robotics?

A huge value at St. C's is that we learn by play, we see robotics as a playful vehicle to teach kids about:

1.Christian community: as we work to be inclusive, welcoming, and supportive.  This is also an opportunity to strengthen intergenerational relationships. During our time we will be exploring how and why Christian community different than other groups our kids might be apart of.

2. Christian ethics: as we will spend time exploring ethical questions around technology and the future. 

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  St. Columba Episcopal Church   ·   Physical address: 26715 Military Rd, Kent, WA 98032
Mailing address: 31811 Pacific Highway South, Ste. B #342, Federal Way, WA 98003       253-854-9912       admin@stcolumbakent.org
