02/07/2024 0 Comments
Pledge Update for 2023 Budget
Pledge Update for 2023 Budget
# Newsletter Only
Pledge Update for 2023 Budget
We are currently asking for pledges: individual financial commitments for the 2023 St. Columba's budget. Pledging to our community helps us form a budget and plan for the year ahead. If you have yet to pledge, you can anytime either by clicking here to pledge online or by grabbing a yellow pledge card this Sunday and placing it either in the Vicar's box or the offering plate!
In order to maintain staffing at our current levels, we have a goal of raising 265K in pledges from 60 pledging units. Both are big increases over last year, so pray for all of us as we decide how much to pledge, and for our community as we discern the budget for 2023.
We had a great start to our pledge drive, and as of today here is where our pledges stand:
Number of pledges: 50
Amount pledged: 250, 860
Thank you to everyone who has pledged so far, and please do pledge as soon as you are able if you haven't already.