02/07/2024 0 Comments
From the Associate Vicar: Taking Stock
From the Associate Vicar: Taking Stock
# From The... - Letters to the Congregation
From the Associate Vicar: Taking Stock
Dear One’s of St C’s,
Here we are again, the start of the school year and the days are getting darker and shorter. And then there is always the funny contrast in the PNW, it’s still (mostly) warm and sunny through September, just enough to make you wonder if summer has ended at all. I hope you all are enjoying it and soaking it up, that vitamin D is important and it needs to get us through the rain that lies ahead.
I don’t know about you, but I am feeling the high energy, love and care at St. Columba’s right now. To name a few:
- The bee fence is up
- The Memorial Garden has it’s beautiful new beds installed
- Yadira and Norma (Childcare Staff) re-did the space in the family room and added their own creativity to the space
- Val (Children, Youth, and Family Coordinator) is clearing out the old to make way for the new
- People who identify as male are baking for coffee hour
- People who identify as women are suggesting black feminist authors to read and all genders are participating
- A famous dungeon master (aka James) led a D&D night and all ages sat and had a meal together in-between creativity and fun
- Our church picnic was filled with beauty and joy
- Martin (Music Director) has brought together such amazing musicians in our community who have been blessing us with their instruments and voices
- The church community is finding all sorts of ways to participate in supporting our food bank
- We are learning to get better at fear (Thank you Alissa and Vibh!)
- So many amazing lay preachers
- Alissa wrote a book that highlights our wonderful church
- I (Meghan) have gone to full-time
- And so much more!
And what does all of this have to do with our faith and belief in the Good News of Jesus? Everything. This church is a place that cares for God’s creation, honors their beloved dead, makes room for creativity, rest and joy, offers hospitality, food, and warmth, listens to the voices of people of color, and worships God by sharing our gifts of music, prayer, hugs, support, and love with one another.
As we start off this new school year and move into fall, I just wanted to say I’m so proud to be a part of shepherding a community with such big hearts and such an openness to what God might be doing in the world and right here in our own faith community. Let's continue this good work of joining God in creating something new.
I hope to see you all for our first ever Male Bake Off on Sunday!
with excitement,