02/07/2024 0 Comments
From the Associate Vicar: Can You Visualize a Better World?
From the Associate Vicar: Can You Visualize a Better World?
# From The... - Letters to the Congregation

From the Associate Vicar: Can You Visualize a Better World?
Dear One's of St. C's,
In the foreword to the book, “The Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler, N.K. Jemisin writes, “I hadn’t yet figured out how limited my own ambitions and expectations really were, largely because I couldn’t visualize a world that was actually better than the one I lived in.” (p. viii) This line has really stuck with me and has me captivated as I begin to read this book that is set in a not so distant dystopian future. I have been wondering what it cost and what it takes to truly believe your life and your world can be different, can be better and more just. It can be painful to dream of a world that is not yet realized, but I wonder, if we cannot imagine it, can we be a part of creating it? In many ways this is the work of the church and is at the heart of Jesus’ parables. Jesus wants us to wrestle with what is, in order to give us an imagination for what could be.
I am looking forward to finishing “The Parable of the Sower” with this lens in mind. Do we accept this world as it is or do we have an imagination for what could be and then work together to create this new world? Believe it or not taking a sabbath and setting aside nights that are all about play and creativity are all a part of this taking time to imagine a different world. We must take time for delight, rest, and play, not only to be rejuvenated, but to also have memories of joy with others, to remind ourselves of why we hope and fight for a world where all people can relax, drink, eat, and be merry.
I invite you to join me and others in the community in reading the book “The Parable of the Sower” and to come join in on the fun of game night at the church on August 10th and 17th.
with hope,